
Why the FAA May View A “Contract” As Not a Contract at All: A Review of the ASAP Program of the FAA
Paper and Panel Presenter, International Air Transportation Safety Board (IATSBA), 2016

A Tortured Path for Government Contractors Down the Road of Sovereign Immunity Paved With a 1789 Statute
Presentation and Paper, SMU Air Law, 2015

Legal Issues Associated with Non-Profit Governance
Presentation to American Baptist Convention, 2005

Ethics & Spoliation, A Road to Disaster in Litigation
SMU Air SMU Law Symposium. Paper & Presentation Feb. 2005

“In complex litigation, proceed cautiously, being mindful of the definition of the word ‘Confidence’ as ‘That Feeling One Has Before He or She Understands the Situation.”

~Bill Blakely

The Government Contractor Defense
Paper and Presentation to SMU Air Law Symposium, 2004

Construction and Terrorism: An Explosive Mix
Paper and Presentation to International Center for Legal Studies’ Construction Law Conference 2004

Insurance Considerations: Indemnity & Bonds
Presentation to Albany Law School, 2004

The Tragedy of the 1996 Air Disaster, Dubrovnik Croatia
Presentation Univ. of Maryland School of Law 2003

Sharing Immunity with the Sovereign: The Tale of the Government Contractor Defense
Presentation and Paper, SMU Air Law Symposium 1998

Recent Development of Aviation Law
Presentation and Paper, Embry Riddle University, 1998

Lights, Camera, Action: A Guide Through Videotape Depositions
Presentation and Paper, International Center for Legal Studies. Presentation and Paper, 1998.

American Bar Association’s TIP Air & Space Committee’s Newsletter
Co-Chair, Editor, (1993-2000)

Maryland Construction Law
Co-Author, Federal Publications (1992)

Personal Injury Defense Techniques: Architect-Engineer Liability, Bender
Vol III, Ch.41 (1987)

Rights of an Involuntary Commitment of a Mental Health patient
Note, O’Connor v. Donaldson, 422 U.S. 563 (1975), 53 J. Urban Law 305